Crimson & Motive


Alexandra has been addicted to True Crime since she was 11-years-old. She read the book Hush Little Babies by Donald A. Davis that describes the case of Darlie Routier. She became completely hooked and has been religiously following True Crime stories ever since. At 16, Alexandra joined the military and became a Signal Operator (essentially the person that deals with radios and technology). She realized she had a radio voice when she found out people were wondering when she would be back on the radio talking. She is currently studying in her fourth year of the Bachelor of Arts in History program at MacEwan University. With her experience in radio, being a historian, and loving True Crime, Alexandra combined it all together to host a weekly True Crime podcast!

When she is not diving into a good book, Alexandra enjoys spending time with her dogs, Owen and Missy, her partner, Jon, and her stepdaughter, Elaina.


About the Host

Alexandra Ramsay Profile Photo

Alexandra Ramsay


Alexandra is a Canadian true crime enthusiast that is finishing her last year of her undergrad in Bachelor of Arts in History. Alexandra uses her research techniques as a historian to dive deep into true crime cases to not just tell the story but to understand why it happened.